Friday, November 12, 2010

So it was him...

Ch. 16

I am now certain the William's killer is the creature. Although I was once enraged by at the creature for the murder I have some sympathy for the creature. He roamed the world with no knowledge about right from wrong. He had to learn from secret observations about deceit and love. When he tried to seek that love he was pushed away and hurt. From my abandonment his anger and feeling of vengeance grew. He was even shot at for saving a helpless girl. For showing kindness and care he has been almost killed (if that's possible).

The only person I can blame for the feelings of vengeance and hate towards the human race he has is me. I left him unprotected. What if God had left mankind alone and unprotected? We probably would have grown to be an even worse species. It does anger me to know that the creature murdered William but it angers me even more that all the pain could have been avoided if I had had some sense.



  1. I love how you as Victor try to go into the creatures shoes and try to see his point of view. I also like that you use descriptive words such as vengeance, deceit, love, all of them. But just make sure to go back and read your post before you post because it may have some grammatical errors.

  2. I agree with Lilly! I think its cool how you are Victor yet you wrote like he tried to put himself in the Creature's shoes. I haven't seen anyone's like that but it brought out more details and gave your blog a better style and quality than some of the others.
