Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Evil of Mankind

Ch. 14-15

The creature has now learned about the deceit humankind can accomplish. The De Lacey's  were tricked by a man only wanting to be free. He used his daughter's love for a man as a pawn to wriggle his way out of punishment. The creature has learned about the unlawful way innocent people are treated by government. The same treatment Elizabeth hates because the lives of two very close people she loved were taken. At least he also knows that some loyalty can always be found. Safie has been able to show the creature love is often the strongest bond between people.

I am in complete shock to learn that this creature has learned the importance of books. He has been able to experience great stories through Plutarch's Lives, Sorrows of Werter, and Paradise Lost.


  1. Good connection of the De Lacey's unlawful treatment to Justine's false accusation of William's murder. Great job!

  2. I like this blog. The way you emphasize how the monster likes books shows that he is seeking knowledge and is not just a dumb creation. You truly captured the essence of your character.
