Ch. 19-20
Seems like traveling would be a good distraction from what I have promised the creature. I can't help but worry about my family. I'm afraid the creature will think I have deceived him and take vengeance on all the people I love.
Can I really create another fiend that will have the ability to destroy and kill? I have no way of knowing if she will be able to control her desires of hurting innocent human beings. I know the creation of the monster will determine the fate of the family's happiness but it seems I have to satisfy the first creature. I don't want to seem weak and I don't want to bring destruction to the world. What do I do?
I can hopefully get a clear answer if I try to see what will happen if I don't make the female creature. You could say I'm testing the daemon but I really need to know if I'm doing the right thing.
Nice job! I can tell that you are Victor by the emotion and the problems he is going through, especially with the creature's demand for a partner.